Hey there! So um, if you haven't figured it out by this point let me tell you a little secret...I love Medieval stuff. SHOCKER. I know. It's kind of hard to tell. What can I say? Swords are cool. Too cool.
I have always been enamored by story, and no matter what I do, everything I create always leads in this direction. Films such as "The Iron Giant", "Treasure Planet", and "Brother Bear" are inspirations to me that powerful narratives can change people's lives for the better, and that is the deepest aim of my work. Art is a transformative medium, and it is my aim to inspire future artists and leaders just as those who came before me inspired me to become the artist I am today.
I recently attained a Bachelors in Studio and Digital Art from Liberty University and am currently working on the creation of a graphic novel series called "The Artifact" (which you may have heard of...)
In my spare time I love to drink tea, meander through antique stores, watch movies and critique them with friends, and explore new places. I'm always up for an adventure...are you?
If you're curious as to what fuels my creative process, check out this video my friend Isaac made of me! It's pretty cool :)